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Do you want voice training at the highest level in one of the world’s foremost temples of opera? The La Scala Academy of Lyric Opera is the choice for you!
The program (tuition free!) hones your interpretation of opera and chamber repertoire through coaching in vocal scores, vocal technique and stage presence, body language techniques and physical expression under the guidance of artists of the caliber of Luciana D’Intino, Renato Bruson, Luciana Serra, Eva Mei and Gregory Kunde, to name a few. Concerts with orchestra or piano, opera productions at La Scala and tours in Italy and abroad are planned. Lessons in Italian for foreigners will also be provided and participants are given a monthly stipend!
Candidates for admission must:
• Be born on or after the 1st of January 1989.
• Hold a singing degree from a State Conservatoire or equivalent Academy of Music. Where candidates have studied at a private music school or under a private teacher, the school director or teacher must provide a statement declaring that the pupil is fit and ready to enter the Programme.
• Age Limit: 18 – 30 yo
Deadline to apply: Tue, November 6, 2018
Materials Required
Complete the YAP Tracker online application. Application requirements include:
1. € 85 Application fee
2. Scanned image of candidate’s identity document (identity card or passport)
3.Two videos, each one showing the candidate singing a different opera aria (not from operetta nor from an oratorio)by a different composer. At least one of them must be sung in Italian. The videos must not be professionally shot: amateur, unedited videos are explicitly requested. The videos should have good sound quality and provide a clear view of the candidate. After examining the materials received, the Examining Committee will promptly notify the chosen candidates and invite them formally to the auditions in Milan;
4. CV, signed and completed with the following statements (in Italian) appended at the end:
- Il/la sottoscritto/a consapevole delle sanzioni penali previste dall’art. 76 D.P.R. 28/12/2000 n. 445 per il caso di dichiarazioni mendaci e falsità in atti, dichiara ai sensi degli art. 46 e 47 D.P.R. 445/2000 che quanto contenuto nel presente curriculum corrisponde a verità [The undersigned, aware of the criminal penalties pursuant to Article 76 of Italian Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28 December 2000 (D.P.R. 445/2000) for false statements, declares, pursuant to Articles 46 and 47 of said D.P.R. 445/2000, that the information contained in this CV is true]; dates making false statements will be excluded or expelled from the Academy and be liable to prosecution by law.
- Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 ("Privacy Code") and Regulation (EU) 679/2016, I authorize the processing of my personal data for the purpose of using my curriculum vitae;
5. Two recent digital photos; one medium shot, one full figure
The following optional documents may also be submitted with the application:
6. scanned copy of certification of any top three placements in solo vocal competitions of national and international importance (optional)
7. letters of reference (optional)
Audition Location and Date: Milan (Italy), 10th Dec 2018 - 20th Dec 2018
Pianist Provided: Yes. May not bring own
Location: Milan (Italy)
Program Dates: October 01, 2019 – September 30, 2021
Program Information
The course is aimed at young singers who possess the artistic and vocal qualities that merit advanced training; it aims at providing the competences for a professional career as an opera singer, based on solid and extensive experience in voice, music, theatre and culture.
Principal teachers will be: Luciana D'Intino, Renato Bruson, Luciana Serra, Gregory Kunde, Eva Mei, Vincenzo Scalera, Umberto Finazzi, James Vaughan, Marina Bianchi, Marco Gandini.
Payment is provided
A monthly scholarship in the amount of Euro 900 gross is guaranteed. Tuition is free. See website for additional information.
Contact Information
Accademia d’arti e mestieri dello spettacolo Teatro alla Scala
Via Santa Marta, 18 - 20123 Milano
e-mail: infocorsi@accademialascala.it