Searching by using the Search Box
When using the search box on the opportunities page, here are a few tips to ensure you find the program you are seeking:
1. When you search for a program, it is best to use one meaningful word, like Santa (for Santa Fe Opera) rather than a larger phrase. We may list the company or program slightly differently, so it will not return the result if this is the case.
2. If you look on the left hand column on the Opportunities page. The default filter is for Undecided opportunities. If you have already marked that a program is of interest, it will not return the result by using the search box as is. Change the filter to Show All to return the broader set of results.
3. If the opportunity is Past, the default filter on the left most column of the Opportunities page is set to Current opportunities only. Set to All to see All results.
Searching by city, state and/or country
YAP Tracker now allows you to search by multiple locations at once. If you are interested in opportunities in the United States, enter USA in the location filter on left hand side of the Opportunities page. If you would like to search for opportunities in the United States and France, enter a colon between multiple locations, or as follows:
and click Go.
If you would like to search for an opportunity in a specific state, search by that state's standard two digit code in the location field rather than the state's full name (ie GA instead of Georgia).