Tracking page views with Google Anayltics requries a google account (or a gmail account) and setting up tracking code. Both are free. The steps below are current as of Feb 2012. If these steps no longer work, please contact YAP Tracker for an update.
Please note that you can only track a live site. If you are still working on your free preview site, please wait until your site has gone live before completing these steps.
1. If you don't already have a google account (or gmail), register at
2. After registering a new account visit
3. Click the Sign Up button.
4. Complete the general information about your site.
5. Agree to the terms and conditions and click the Create Account button. You will be taken to your account home page.
6. Ensure that the Tracking Code tab is selected and scroll to the What Are You Tracking section.
7. Check the Single Domain radio button.
8. Scroll to the Paste This Code On Your Site section
9. Select the text in the box and copy it (we'll paste it into your YAP Tracker site settings shortly).
10. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click Save.
11. Go to your YAP Tracker hosting site.
12. Login.
13. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Site Settings link.
14. Click the Site Settings link. The site settings popup will appear.
15. Click the tracking code tab and paste the text copied earlier from google into the text box.
16. Click Save.
17. Refresh the home page so a message is sent to google to show that tracking has been installed.
18. Go back to your Google Analytics home page and revisit the status section to ensure that your site is being tracked.
You can now visit Google Analytics at anytime to see how many people have visited the site. Google Analytics is a very powerful tracking tool and should provide all you need to seeing who is visiting your site, where they are from, what they are viewing and how long they are spending on your site. That being said, Google isn't the only tracking tool. If you would like to use another (or supplement google - for example with a service like Chartbeat which offers real time tracking and alerts) please email us to confirm the service can also be tracked on the site.