Wolf Trap Opera

Wolf Trap Opera 2025 - Filene Artists

This application closed on Sunday September 1, 2024.


This application is for Filene Artists applicants only. Please review the listing requirements before submitting. You can find the applications for Coaching and Directing Fellowships and Studio Artists on the open applications page. Please make sure you submit the correct application.


Please contact Wolf Trap Opera at opera@wolftrap.org with any questions regarding this application. For technical help, please contact help@yaptracker.com.

Basic Information

This question is OPTIONAL
No spaces, dashes etc. phone number fields
No spaces, dashes etc. phone number fields
Please include city and state/country.
If not the same as your birthplace, please enter the city, state (if applicable) and country of your hometown.

Education, Training and Awards

Education 1
Education 2
Education 3
Award 1
Award 2
Award 3
Award 4
Award 5
Who is your current teacher and how long have you studied with them?
List any other teachers and coaches who know your work well.
If you have no roles to enter, enter NA in the fields for the Role 1.ALL fields per role must be completed. If you have fewer than the number of roles listed, please do not enter anything into the extra fields or your form will not submit.
Role 1

Role 2

Role 3

Please list the YAPs in which you’ve participated. Use the format YAP / YEAR
ALL fields per role must be completed. If you have fewer than the number of roles listed, please do not enter anything into the extra fields or your form will not submit.
Role 1

Role 2

Role 3

Role 4

Role 5

Is there any other information you'd like us to have?
Please check the deadline for the audition site you've requested. We are unable to consider late applications.

Audition Information

Please select any audition dates for which you are available.
FILENE: Offer 4 arias in contrasting styles and languages. You may change audition repertoire after submitting your application. It is not necessary to notify us if you change your repertoire; just bring a copy of the revised list to the audition. You will begin your audition with an aria of your choice. An additional selection may be requested.

NOTE: Repertoire can be updated the day of your audition, please bring an updated rep list if there are any changes.
Minimum number of selections permitted: 4. Maximum number of selections permitted: 5
Selection 1
Selection 2
Selection 3
Selection 4
Selection 5
Please list any summer conflicts between May 1 and August 31, 2025

Additional Information

JPEG format only, please.
You must be signed in to add your headshot.
PDF format only, please.
You must be signed in to add your resume.