Wolf Trap Opera

Wolf Trap Opera 2025 - Fellows

This application closed on Sunday September 1, 2024.


This application is for Coaching and Directing Fellows applicants only. Please review the listing requirements before submitting. You can find the applications for Studio and Filene Artists on the open applications page. Please make sure you submit the correct application.

COACHES: Be prepared to play and sing a selection from each of the categories below. 

I. SECCO RECIT— Mozart: A recitative in Italian with at least two characters and at least two pages in length

II. MOZART Prepare (sing and play)one of the following:

1. Le nozze di Figaro - Act Il Finale from the entrance of Antonio (Scene X, Allegro molto) until the end of the act

2. Così fan tutte - Act I Finale from the entrance of Despina and Don Alfonso (Scene XVI, Allegro) until the end of the act

3. Don Giovanni- Act I Finale from Allegro 6/8 "Riposate, vezzose ragazze" until the end of the act

4. Don Giovanni- Act Il Sextet "Sola, sola in buio loco"

III. ROMANTIC/CONDUCTING Prepare (sing and play):

1. Puccini: La bohème - Act I up until the entrance of Schaunard. You may be asked to follow a conductor for this excerpt.


IV. Bizet: Carmen - Act I, #15 quintet "Nous avons en tête une affaire"

 or Act II, #20 trio "Mêlons! - Coupons!'

V. Choose from one of the following categories


Prepare (sing and play) one of the following:

1. Poulenc: Les mamelles de Tirésias "Non, Monsieur mon mari" (Act I Scene I from figure 20 - figure 34)

2. Strauss: Ariadne auf Naxos - Komponist's aria from from rehearsal 108 (Sehr lebhaft) until the end of the Prologue.

3. Stravinsky: The Rake's Progress - "No Word from Tom...I go, I go to him!"


Wagner or Strauss: Please select 1, sung in German

a.Wagner: Die Walküre: "Siegmund heiss ich," Rehearsal 72A until the end of the Act

b Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier: "Wie du warst." Rehearsal 12 to 4 measures after Rehearsal 25

c. Strauss: Ariadne auf Naxos: "Sein wir wider gut," Rehearsal 108 until the end of the Prologue


An operatic excerpt in English, no longer than 5 minutes in length, taken from a work written in or after 1970.

DIRECTORS: You will be scheduled for an interview via zoom in November. Please prepare a proposal for a new production of the opera of your choice for one of our two theaters, The Barns (400 seats) or The Filene Center (7,000 seats) for discussion during your interview. Please include: your overarching concept, including inspiration and historical context: your design team and what they bring to the project; and why you chose this particular project for Wolf Trap Opera.


Please contact Wolf Trap Opera at opera@wolftrap.org with any questions regarding this application. For technical help, please contact help@yaptracker.com.

Basic Information

This question is OPTIONAL
No spaces, dashes etc. phone number fields
No spaces, dashes etc. phone number fields
Please include city and state/country.
If not the same as your birthplace, please enter the city, state (if applicable) and country of your hometown.

Education, Training and Awards

Education 1
Education 2
Education 3
Please use this format: Company / Position / Year
Award 1
Award 2
Award 3
Award 4
Award 5
Is there any other information you'd like us to have?

Audition/Interview Information

Please select any audition dates for which you are available. Directing Fellows please select a date for a zoom interview.
Please list any summer conflicts between May 1 and August 31, 2025

Additional Information

You must be signed in to add your headshot.
PDF format only, please.
You must be signed in to add your resume.