Tri-Cities Opera

Tri-Cities Opera Resident Artist Application (2025-26)

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Deadline: Sunday September 15, 2024

Materials Required

    1) Completed application form
    2) Current résumé in PDF format
    3) Recent high-resolution headshot
    4) Two (2) video recordings of pieces in contrasting styles. At least one piece must be an opera aria. The other piece may be musical theatre. The videos should be no more than 12 months old. Recordings may be made with either live accompaniment or a pre-recorded track. For helpful tips, we recommend checking out Opera America's Remote Audition Guidelines (
    5) A $5 non-refundable application fee

Audition Information

You will be notified by the middle of October 2024 if you have been granted a live or video audition. Live auditions will be held on November 21–23, 2024 at Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 8th Ave, New York, NY 10018. For a live audition you will be asked to prepare four (4) opera or operetta arias in a variety of styles and at least three different languages, including English and Italian. At least one contemporary selection is encouraged.

If you are granted an audition, but have selected the video audition open, you will be asked to record and submit two selections in one continuous recording (without stopping the camera). The two arias selected for this recording will be up to you, but we will provide guidelines on what repertoire we would like to hear.

Please contact John Cockerill (he/him) at with any questions regarding this application. For technical help, please contact

Personal Information

Contact Information

No spaces, dashes etc. phone number fields


2 video recordings of pieces in contrasting styles. At least 1 piece must be an opera aria. The other piece may be musical theatre. The videos should be no more than 12 months old. Recordings may be made with either live accompaniment or a pre-recorded track.

Number of selections required: 2.

You must be signed in to add videos.


You must be signed in to add your headshot.


You must be signed in to add your resume.

Payment Details

Please note: all application fees are non-refundable.