This application closed on Sunday November 1, 2020.
Be sure to complete the application in full detail in the format requested.
Future correspondence regarding your application status will be sent via e-mail. The e-mail address you supply should be monitored regularly as you will receive confirmation of your application's receipt. (Please check any SPAM filters while awaiting receipt of your application.)
Applicants will be screened and audition using the video submissions accompanying this application.
Applicants are required to submit four (4) separate video recorded arias. NO LIVE AUDITIONS WILL BE HELD THIS YEAR so all videos submitted should be a clear and current representation of you. Please use the following guidelines for your video submissions:
1) At least two (2) of your videos must be recorded within the past three (3) months. Please mark each submission with the date it was recorded or announce it verbally before you sing;
2) Videos should be accompanied by a pianist or piano track (orchestral track or concert setting is fine);
3) Each recording should be performed in one "take" without stopping. Do not combine multiple recording sessions together;
4) Do not use audio enhancements, effects or editing (except for basic combining of piano/vocal tracks);
5) Arias submitted should be in contrasting styles and different languages (one English piece is recommended).
Please contact Adam Franklin at with any questions regarding this application. For technical help, please contact