Opera Theatre of Saint Louis

Opera Theatre of Saint Louis: SINGER Application 2025

This application closed on Monday August 5, 2024.

NOTE: This application is for Singers only.

Please read the opportunity listing before completing this application.

All applicants will be notified by email of their application status by August 13, 2024.

All materials must be submitted online via YAP Tracker application. In addition to the application form, you will be required to upload your résumé (pdf), one high-resolution headshot (png or jpg), and a video recording to be considered. Please record what you sing best.

Before submitting, please check if anything may have been auto-filled incorrectly. Incorrect information submitted due to an auto-fill error may result in a voided application. 

Please contact OTSL Auditions at audition@opera-stl.org with any questions regarding this application. For technical help, please contact help@yaptracker.com.

Personal Information

If you are available for more than one audition location, please indicate here. Additionally, please indicate all dates for which you are available to audition.

Contact Information

No spaces, dashes etc. phone number fields
Please use a 2 letter code such as MO, NY, CA etc.
Applicants must be work authorized, or have the ability to become work authorized with an offer, in the US to apply. A photocopy of employee authorization documentation will be required to participate in the festival season. Note: Canadians may gain work authorization by joining Canadian Federation of Musicians and applying for a P2 Visa. This process is completed after successfully securing a contract with Opera Theatre of Saint Louis and will be at the expense of the contracted artist.
If you are not work authorized, please list your country of citizenship and the work authorization documentation you have or will secure. Please include your specific visa type and expiration date (e.g. Green Card, O1, OPT, CPT, etc.).
Specify language and years of study/fluency
Specify type of dance, level of experience (beginner, advanced, professional), and length of training
If yes, please indicate the instrument and length of training
Education 1
Education 2
Education 3
Education 4
Number of selections required: 2.
Selection 1
Selection 2

Additional Details

Please upload one (1) video file made within 12 months of the application deadline. Please verify that your video file works before submitting. Files that do not work will result in a voided application. Number of selections required: 1.

You must be signed in to add videos.
You must be signed in to add your resume.
You must be signed in to add your headshot.
Number of selections required: 4.
Selection 1
Selection 2
Selection 3
Selection 4
Application Process Information:

  • There is no application fee.
  • Incomplete and/or late applications will not be accepted or considered.
  • If granted an in-person audition, a pianist will be provided at no cost to the applicant. Auditionees are welcome to bring their own pianist at their own expense.
  • Applicants will be notified if granted an audition no later than August 13, 2024.
  • Please check your junk/spam mail if you have not received notification by this date.
  • Participation in the GYA program is limited to United States citizens or individuals who have valid documentation to work legally in the United States.
  • All applicants must be available to work in St. Louis from April 28 through June 29, 2025.
  • An automated e-mail response will confirm receipt of your materials once submitted.
  • For more information or questions regarding the 2025 Gerdine Young Artists Program auditions, email audition@opera-stl.org.
Opera Theatre of Saint Louis is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, age, veteran, or disability status.

Demographic Information

This section is used only for statistical purposes. It is not part of the selection process and will not be accessible or considered by the judges.
Select all that apply
Select all that apply
Select all that apply
Select all that apply
Select all that apply