Opera Modesto

Opera Modesto Kristina Townsend Memorial Competition 2025

This application closed on Friday March 7, 2025.

Please contact Barbara Wesley at barbarabwesley@gmail.com with any questions regarding this application. For technical help, please contact help@yaptracker.com.

Personal Information

Number of selections required: 1.
Please note: only the age categories listed are eligible.

Contact Information

A reminder that you must live or study full-time in one of the following California counties: Amador, Calaveras, Fresno, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, or Yolo. No other counties, states or countries are eligible.
No spaces, dashes etc. phone number fields
Less than 150 words. PDF version preferred. Number of documents required: 1.
You must be signed in to add your resume.
This is encouraged for ages 19-22 & 23-26. For 16-18 it is optional.
You must be signed in to add your resume.
Please submit a current color Headshot with your application
You must be signed in to add your headshot.

Additional Information

Please list: Current School & Grade/Level, or Prior School/College/University
Please list your dates of study
Award 1
Award 2
Please list your performance experience. In the indicated field, please specify whether this was a concert, scenes or full production performance.
Role 1
Role 2
Role 3
Role 4
Information above may be used to announce awards and/or in company publications for events in which the applicant is performing. Personal contact information will not be shared.
Number of selections required: 1.
I hereby verify that the information I provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Please list the participant name and date. This will serve as your electronic signature.
Parental permission (required for participants under the age of 18).
This is only required for the 16-18 category.
Audition Repertoire Requirements recorded within 6 months of application
16-18 Years Old: Two classical pieces with two languages represented. One musical theater selection may be substituted for one of the classical songs.
19-22 Years Old: Two classical pieces with two languages represented – One art song or oratorio aria and one opera aria.
23-26 Years Old: One art song and two opera arias (an oratorio aria may be substituted for one of the opera arias). At least two languages must be represented.
Minimum number of selections permitted: 2. Maximum number of selections permitted: 3
Selection 1
Selection 2
Selection 3