Opéra des Landes

Opera Academy - Opéra des Landes 2025

You must be signed in to complete this application or view your previously submitted application. Please login or create an account .

Deadline: Saturday March 15, 2025

Please contact Mark Van Arsdale at mark@operaacademy.org with any questions regarding this application. For technical help, please contact help@yaptracker.com.

Personal Information

Contact Information

No spaces, dashes etc. phone number fields
Do you currently have a Passport that is valid for travel to France and expires AFTER Nov. 1, 2025?

Education and Experience

Please add your current and prior education, and any past experience relevant to the program you may wish to provide.
Education 1
Education 2
Education 3
If you would like to highlight any awards, honors, or participation in prior summer programs, please note them here.
If you have any additional experience related to the Academy (French language, cultural connections) you may describe them here.


You must be signed in to add your headshot.


You must be signed in to add your resume.

Audition Requirements

Live auditions are encouraged; however, all applications will be considered equally.

Virtual Audition Requirements

Please prepare or upload 2-4 selections
- At least 1 video (Virtual Audition)
- At least 1 aria (the others may be songs)
- At least 1 selection in French
If you have any difficulties meeting the above requirements, please reach out to us. It is also possible to do a live Zoom audition - please complete application here and request this in the comments below.
Maximum number of selections permitted: 4
You must be signed in to add audio files.

Maximum number of selections permitted: 5

You must be signed in to add videos.

Live Audition Requirements

Please upload at least one audio/video recording above.
For the live audition, please prepare the following:
- 3 to 5 selections
- At least 2 arias (the others may be songs)
- At least 1 selection in French

Payment Details

Please note: all application fees are non-refundable.