Opera Colorado

Young Artist Program Application (2014-15)

This application closed on Friday April 25, 2014.

May auditions are for bass-baritone and bass ONLY. Do not apply unless you qualify.

Please contact Cherity Koepke at ckoepke@operacolorado.org with any questions regarding this application. For technical help, please contact help@yaptracker.com.

Personal Information

Contact Information

No spaces, dashes etc. phone number fields

Audio Recording or Video Clip

Please upload a total of two submissions, either audio or video
Maximum number of selections permitted: 2
You must be signed in to add audio files.

Maximum number of selections permitted: 2

You must be signed in to add videos.


You must be signed in to add your headshot.


You must be signed in to add your resume.

Additional Information

Number of documents required: 1.
You must be signed in to add your resume.
Maximum number of selections permitted: 3
Please indicate what you will sing if chosen for an audition (complete all five).  If your repertoire list changes, please bring a typed list to your auditio. Number of selections required: 5.
Selection 1
Selection 2
Selection 3
Selection 4
Selection 5
Education 1
Education 2
Education 3
Role 1
Role 2
Role 3
Role 4
Role 5
Role 6
Role 7
Role 8
Role 9
Role 10

Application Conditions

Please read and initial below your agreement with the following statements:

I am available from October 2014 – May 2015.
____ I understand that I am responsible for providing my own vehicle while in Denver.

____ I understand that there is a possibility that housing will be provided during the residency. If housing is not provided, I understand that I am responsible for providing my own housing.

____ If housing is not provided, I understand that I must have secured my own housing and vehicle prior to my arrival in Denver on October 1, 2014.

____ Due to the nature of the residency, it is not possible to have additional sources of employment. I understand that if committing to the 2014-2015 Opera Colorado Young Artists, it is my sole form of employment.

____ I understand that if committing to the 2014-2015 Opera Colorado Young Artists, I may be considered for certain main stage roles in Opera Colorado’s 2014-2015 season. Being cast in these roles is not guaranteed.

____ I understand that my application packet must be received no later than the deadline in order to be considered for an audition.

____ I understand that I must submit a recording (audio or video) of 2 arias for pre-screening purposes.

____ I have read the checklist and have included all necessary items in my application packet.

____ I have read and understand the eligibility and audition requirements. (Eligibility and audition requirements can be located at www.operacolorado.org.)