OPERA America

Performer Development Network: Memphis Regional Auditions on Mon., 5/19

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Deadline: Thursday April 3, 2025

OPERA America’s Performer Development Network is hosting regional auditions in Memphis, TN, on Monday, May 19, from 1:00-6:00pm CDT


Scheidt Family Performing Arts Center at the University of Memphis 
3800 Central Ave., Memphis, TN 38117

Whether or not you are chosen for a live audition, you are invited to a free Professional Development discussion re: Self-production

Monday, May 19, from 7:00-8:30pm also at

Scheidt Family Performing Arts Center at the University of Memphis 
3800 Central Ave., Memphis, TN 38117

You will be notified by Thursday, April 17, via Yap Tracker, as to whether or not you have been selected for a live audition.

Please contact Pamela Jones at artistic@operaamerica.org with any questions regarding this application. For technical help, please contact help@yaptracker.com.

Pre-screening Questions

Please answer the following questions:
No spaces, dashes etc. phone number fields
Indicate if you have United States citizenship, permanent residence, or work visa status.

Identity (Optional)

To better understand the demographics of OPERA America's applicant pool and evaluate the impact of our programs, we invite you to optionally select all of the terms that you use to self-identify racially or ethnically and in regard to gender identity. You will also have the opportunity to write-in additional or alternate responses in the "Additional" category. The choices below are not exhaustive or intended to be limiting or prescriptive. 
OPERA America does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and gender identity, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, disability, age, or any other status protected under federal, state or local law. This Voluntary Demographic Information is for data purposes only and will not be used in the awarding of auditions. 

Racial and Ethnic Identity Definitions 
-Black - includes those who identify with nationalities or ethnic groups originating in any of the Black racial groups of Africa including African American and Caribbean. 
-Latinx - includes those who identify with nationalities or ethnic groups originating in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures. 
-Asian - includes those who identify with nationalities or ethnic groups originating in the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. 
-Arab – includes those who identify with one or more nationalities originating in the Arabian peninsula and neighboring territories, inhabiting much of the Middle East and North Africa. 
-Native American – includes those who identify as Indigenous peoples, First Nations, Aboriginal peoples, and/or Native peoples of the Americas with tribal affiliation or community attachment. 
-White - includes those who identify with nationalities or ethnic groups originating in Europe. 

If you selected "Additional" from the checklist above, please write in alternate or additional words that describe how this artist identifies racially and ethnically.
To better understand the demographics of OPERA America's applicant pool, we invite you to optionally provide gender identity.
If you selected "Additional" from the checklist above, please write in alternate or additional words that describe your gender identity.
Please share the pronouns you use in reference to yourself (e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/their, ze/hir/hir, she/they, he/they).

Audition Category Terminology 


Categories are defined by voice type.  

Treble: Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Contralto, Countertenor Voices 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11  

TBB: Tenor, Baritone, Bass Voices 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12  



Categories numbers also reflect the singer’s level of study.  

Children–Middle School 1 & 2, N/A for these auditions 

High School (HS) 3 & 4, N/A for these auditions 

Lower: one–two years post-HS 5 & 6,  

Upper: three–five years post-HS 7 & 8,  

Advanced: post-undergraduate 9 & 10,  

Other Adults 11 & 12  

For a chart visualization of the categories, please click here.
For Example: I am a countertenor who took a break to work for two years after high school. I returned and started my undergrad degree in voice performance at age 20. I am in my first year of college study. I would be CL 5.

If I am a tenor who finished my formal vocal training years ago. I would be CL 12.


What is your home mailing address?

Resume and Bio

Please include a one-page resume and a one-page bio.
You must be signed in to add your resume.
Number of documents required: 1.
You must be signed in to add your resume.


You must be signed in to add your headshot.




Please submit two (2) separate videos of recorded solo operatic arias (or an operatic aria and a Musical Theater song) as YouTube links or MP4s. Please use the following guidelines for your video submissions:

  • Videos do not need to be of professional quality. However, all videos submitted should be a clear and current representation of you. For useful recording tips, go to https://www.operaamerica.org/industry-resources/2020/202006/career-blueprints-for-singers-recording-techniques/
  • Videos should be recorded within the past TWELVE (12) months. One selection may be in English, although it is not required. Please mark each submission with the date it was recorded or announce it verbally before you begin singing.
  • Videos should be accompanied by a pianist or piano track (orchestral track or concert setting also works).
  • Each recording should be performed in one “take” without stopping. Do not combine multiple recording sessions together.
  • Do not use audio enhancements, effects or editing (except for basic combining of piano/vocal tracks).
  • Arias submitted should be in contrasting styles and different languages. One English aria is allowed, but an English aria is not required.

Please submit two (2) solo video performance files. Please do not submit more than 2 files in total or your form won't submit. Please verify that all video files work before submitting. Video files that do not work will result in a voided application.

Number of selections required: 2.

You must be signed in to add videos.
Number of selections required: 2.
Selection 1
Selection 2
Please select all that apply:
Please Specify
Auditions are restricted to singers from one of the following three groups: Current HBCU students, recent HBCU graduates, and singers who live within a 225-mile radius of Memphis, TN. If you answer "None of the Above" you are not eligible so please refrain from submitting Maximum number of selections permitted: 2
If you are a current or recent HBCU graduate, please enter the name of the school and the year of graduation (if applicable)