
Hogfish 2025 Artist in Residence

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Deadline: Monday March 24, 2025

Please contact Matt Cahill at matt@hogfish.org with any questions regarding this application. For technical help, please contact help@yaptracker.com.

Personal Information

Contact Information

No spaces, dashes etc. phone number fields


To help us cast SVADBA, please make sure you also have representation of something rhythmically challenging (mixed meter) and something in a high, bright, speaky, chesty, mode 1 (belt) sound. You may load two more videos if you need (for a total of four videos submitted), or have all of that covered in just the two videos of contrasting selections in English/Native Language asked for above. Minimum number of selections permitted: 2. Maximum number of selections permitted: 4

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Written Responses

Read our ethos statement on our website for more context of our way of working and thinking about the possibilities of the "regenerative arts." Number of documents required: 1.
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See our website for past artists' regenerative projects. Number of documents required: 1.
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