Houston Grand Opera

Young Artists' Vocal Academy (YAVA) Application 2025

This application closed on Sunday March 2, 2025.


REMINDER - Deadline for applicants is March 2, 2025. To keep in touch with developments, please join our Facebook group at www.facebook.com/hgostudio. Thank you for applying to HGO's Young Artists Vocal Academy.

Please contact Kiera Krieg at studio@houstongrandopera.org with any questions regarding this application. For technical help, please contact help@yaptracker.com.


You are required to have two references complete online recommendation forms. One of your recommendations must come from your voice teacher. Your second recommendation should be from a music professional. The deadline for recommendations is March 10, 2025. if you have questions about the online recommendation process, please view the help menu.

Number required: 2. Allowed method(s): Online.

You must be signed in to add recommendations.

Personal Information

This information is for data purposes only and will not be used in the YAVA selection process. You may select multiple options.
We offer two one-week sessions of YAVA. Please select which YAVA week you are applying for.
Note that YAVA is only open to singers who have not yet started their masters degree.

Contact Information

No spaces, dashes etc. phone number fields

Education and Training

Please use the fields below to indicate the most recent schools, colleges, universities, and/or conservatories you have attended, the dates of attendance, and the degree awarded. Only the information of one institution is required to submit the application.
Education 1
Education 1
example: 2011-2012, or 2009-present, etc.

Video Recordings

Please upload two separate video recordings to YouTube and submit the copied links below.

You do not need to purchase recording equipment for these videos. Recording on a phone or computer is allowed. If using a live pianist presents a logistical or financial burden, you may use a pre-recorded track instead. If you have any questions about making your recordings or need a recommendation for a pianist to make tracks, please reach out to Kiera at studio@houstongrandopera.org.

Please be sure that your YouTube video privacy setting is set to Public. If you would prefer to keep your video setting as Private, please be sure to share your video as an Unlisted video. For how to share an unlisted video, please go to: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/157177?hl=en

Videos must be listed a "public" or "unlisted" in the YouTube video settings.

Number of selections required: 2.

You must be signed in to add videos.


Please upload a pdf copy of your resume.
You must be signed in to add your resume.


HEADSHOT: Files must be less than 2MB and in the .jpg/.jpeg format. Your filename must contain your full name and may not contain any special characters (ampersands, apostrophes, etc.)
You must be signed in to add your headshot.