Please include two letters of recommendation.
Please note: this company is not using the blind letter of recommendation process. No email will be sent to your recommender. Instead, you must upload your letter to your recommender on your profile page. You can review the scanned/uploaded letter FAQ in our help menu for more information. Minimum number permitted: 2. Maximum number permitted: 3 Allowed method(s): Scanned/Uploaded Letter.
You must be signed in to add recommendations.
Video should be shot at close range of the conductor, taken from orchestra's vantage point, facing the FRONT of the conductor, of either a rehearsal or performance with full symphonic or large chamber orchestral ensemble
This information is used to determine if our equal employment opportunity efforts are reaching all segments of the population, consistent with federal equal employment opportunity laws. Responses to these questions are voluntary. Your responses will not be shown to anyone who can affect your application. The aggregate information collected through this form will be kept private to the extent permitted by law.
Maximum number of selections permitted: 5